
Parabolan 100


Substance: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Package: 10 mL bottle (100 mg / mL)

Parabolan 100 is an injectable anabolic steroid that is very popular among bodybuilders, its active substance is Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Trenbolone is a powerful androgen that is not inclined to aromatization and is not transformed in the body into estrogen, so it does not cause any kind of unwanted effects.

The effect of Parabolan

The effect of this steroid is not instantaneous but gradual, right from the start of use. However, some improvements can be felt quite quickly (usually after the first injection). Its effect lasts a long time from the moment of administration, so it makes no sense to have frequent injections (typically 1-2 applications per week are sufficient). The duration of the activity is up to 2 weeks from the last injection.

During the cycle, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate can show a variety of effects that are significant for athletes. In general, this contributes to the increase of quality muscle mass, without water retention or fat deposits, leads to an increase in strength indicators, increases the level of growth of the insulin-like factor, has a fat-burning effect , reduces cortisol levels and can increase appetite and sexual desire during your period. There could be a decrease in sexual activity.

How to use Parabolan

The dosage of Parabolan is selected individually in relation to the athlete's goals and the level of experience with sports drugs. In general, the recommended dose ranges from 100 to 300mg per week (1-3ml per week, respectively). For most of those who use this dosage, these doses are considered optimal in terms of the intensity of the effects and the risks of side effects.The cycle length is between 10-16 weeks.

Examples of combined cycles: with Metandienone – for faster strength and mass gain, with Stanozolol – for high quality muscle growth (fat free and water retention), with testosterone (Cypionate, Enanthate or a mix of esters, such as Omnadren or Sustanon) – for a significant increase in mass and strength in a short time.

At the end of a cycle of Parabolan application, a TPC (post cycle therapy) is required to prevent consequences and to consolidate the results. During the cycle itself, due to progestin activity, it may be necessary to use Cabergoline such as Dostinex as a prolactin inhibitor, and due to a decrease in the levels of gonadotropic hormones and endogenous testosterone, it may be necessary to administer gonadotropin (HCG).

Additional information


Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate


10 mL bottle (100 mg / mL)


Dragon Pharma


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