


Substance: Mesterolone (Proviron)
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Package: 25mg (100 pills)


Proviron produced by Dragon Pharma is one of the synthetic androgens that allow the athlete to improve the quality of sexual life, improve general health, increase the concentration of free testosterone, minimize the conversion of steroids into estrogen. The main active component, Mesterolone, has a weak anabolic effect. It minimizes the production of estrogen, so it avoids the occurrence of estrogen-like side effects. It is thanks to these properties that athletes decide to buy Dragon Pharma's original Proviron at lower prices than those in pharmacies.


Athletes use this drug in order to achieve higher androgen levels and lower estrogen levels. It is mainly used to prepare for sports competitions. In combination with other anabolics, such as Winstrol, Primobolan, Oxandrolone, the drug increases their androgenic effect. The unique composition of the drug allows to emphasize the properties of testosterone. Due to its strong resemblance to sex hormone binding globulin, it leads to an increase in testosterone concentration. This, in turn, triggers anabolic processes, including protein synthesis. As a result, the athlete experiences faster muscle mass growth along with an increase in the quality of sexual life. By connecting aromatase enzymes, the drug minimizes the occurrence of estrogenic side effects. This, as a result, minimizes fluid retention in the body and allows you to gain harder, higher quality muscle mass.

How to take it correctly?

Amateurs and novice athletes can take this drug in amounts not exceeding 50-75mg per day.Athletes experienced in taking sports drugs can take between 50mg and 150mg per day. Many athletes in the reviews point out that a daily dosage above 100mg allows you to cycle through much faster. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to divide the daily dosage into several administrations. The cycle length can range from 8 to 12 weeks. Intentional violations of the instructions of a specialist can lead to the occurrence of side effects.

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25mg (100 pills)


Dragon Pharma


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