


Substance: Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)
Brand: Dragon Pharma
Package: 100 Tabs (20 mg / tab)


Dragon pharma Turinabol tablets are a type of steroid that has both androgenic and anabolic effects on the athlete's body. The active ingredient in the oral steroid is 4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (Turinabol), which is comparable to Methandrostenolone in nature. Turinabol is widely used in sports as an aid in developing high quality muscle mass. It allows you to acquire results with low risk of adverse effects, if used correctly.

Effectiveness of the drug

Before starting a cycle of this steroid, you should speak to a professional who can help you determine the dosage accurately and have the following results:

· Minimize the likelihood of cardiovascular disease

Increase in the natural concentration of testosterone

Rapid growth of high quality muscles

· Increase in power indicators

· Increased resistance

The main advantages of this steroid also include the absence of estrogen-like side effects.

Recommendations for use

Along with recommendations for use, advice on a training plan and sports nutrition are needed to improve the effectiveness of Turinabol administration. Turinabol should be taken in doses of 20-40mg (1-2 tablets) per day. The cycle lasts around 6 weeks. Post cycle therapy is required at the end of the cycle.

Professional bodybuilders can safely mix the steroid with other sports drugs to maximize results over the same amount of time without putting their health at risk. Turinabol is typically used in cycles to improve the level of fitness. For beginners, using this drug alone is enough to achieve their goals.

Additional information


Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)


100 Tabs (20 mg / tab)


Dragon Pharma


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